Miami Sex Crime Attorney : Pornography
Computer Pornography Offenses
While in most situations, having pornography on your computer is not considered a sex crime, computer pornography can give rise to a number of instances in which legal action will be taken. Having or distributing child pornography on your computer is a very federal serious crime with very damaging consequences in a conviction. Those who are convicted in federal court will face from 5 - 20 years in federal prison . After serving a long prison sentence, you will face mandatory registration as a sex offender. A Miami sex crime attorney can defend you against federal child pornography charges.
If child pornography is indeed found or even suspected, law enforcement can seize your computer and everything on it. Any questionable material can and will be used against you as evidence to secure a conviction, even information or materials that you had previously deleted. There are numerous ways that this material could be on a computer or smart phone through no fault of your own; others may have had access and information can be planted on a computer without your knowledge. How your defense case is addressed should be determined early in the process, and the firm is prepared to review and evaluate your case at once.
Federal Sex Crimes Lawyer in Miami
Attorney Michael Mirer knows the great lengths law enforcement officers will go to in order to secure a conviction, especially when the case involves child pornography. Attorney Mirer will aggressively fight on your behalf to protect your reputation and dignity from the repercussions of a computer pornography related offense. His extensive experience and proven record of success make him the ideal candidate to handle your case and to aggressively pursue a favorable outcome in your case .
Contact a Miami sex crime attorney if you have been accused of distribution or possession of child pornography.
Proven Defense Lawyer
Through relentless advocacy, our firm has earned a reputation of achieving results.
Over a Decade of Experience
Our lead attorney is a former prosecutor who has practiced law for 10+ years.
Free Consultation
Tell us about your case so that we can discuss all of your legal options with you.