Miami Criminal Defense Attorney
Defense of Sex Crimes in State or Federal Criminal Court
Anyone who has been accused of the commission of a crime still has many Constitutional and legal rights. He has the right to confront his accusers, the right to legal counsel, the right to remain silent and the right to a trial and to be judged by his peers. In reality, an accused individual may have to insist upon his rights, even fight for them. In criminal matters, one needs an energetic criminal defense lawyer with experience and insight to ensure these rights are not violated or unknowingly waived.
If you or a loved one has been arrested for a sexual offense in southern Florida or is under investigation for a sexual offense it is vital that you consult a Miami sex crime attorney who can fully explain all of your rights and help you to protect them. If you are facing federal sex crime charges, defending yourself against the almost unlimited resources of the government is a crucial issue. Innocence is not enough - you need a trial lawyer with extensive experience in federal court.
Strong Advocacy for Your Criminal Trial
Each criminal case is must be addressed carefully and will require a unique defense strategy. The so oner you start working with a skilled criminal defense lawyer from the firm , the more time there will be to investigate your case, gather evidence which supports your defense, and the more opportunity your counsel will have to provide the prosecutor with new facts which are to your benefit.
If your rights were violated, this could mean that some, even vital prosecution evidence would inadmissible in court. New facts presented to the prosecutor before charges are filed, could mean a lesser charge would be filed or possibly the case dropped altogether. Most cases don't go to trial, they are negotiated . In federal court, early involvement by our attorney can be very productive. Once you are formally charged with a crime, the issue becomes more complex. The outcome is usually negotiated between the accused individual's defense attorney and the prosecutor.
Much depends on the defense counsel's reputation, contacts in state or federal court, and earlier history of success in the courtroom. A prosecutor usually won't file charges without some certainty of winning. Our defense attorney has extensive experience in federal court, and knows how to defend even the most serious sex crimes. Those involving internet crimes or the transfer or production of obscene material or involving children or child pornography are punished heavily under federal law, and demand immediate action is taken by your defense attorney.
Sex crime lawyer Michael Mirer has earned the respect of the legal community inside the courtroom during his many years as a prosecutor and during the years following since forming a respected criminal defense practice and providing conscientious service to thousands of clients. Call to arrange a free consultation and start working on your defense.
If you were charged in state or federal court, contact a Miami criminal defense attorney at the firm to find out what can be done.
Proven Defense Lawyer
Through relentless advocacy, our firm has earned a reputation of achieving results.
Over a Decade of Experience
Our lead attorney is a former prosecutor who has practiced law for 10+ years.
Free Consultation
Tell us about your case so that we can discuss all of your legal options with you.