Miami Sexual Battery Lawyer
Sexual Battery Charges in Florida
Battery charges associated with a sex crime are extremely serious, and if you are convicted, the consequences extend far beyond prison time. After serving time in state prison, you will be required to register as a sex offender, will have restrictions on where you can live, and will be facing other severe challenges as a convicted felon. Our accomplished Miami sex crime defense attorney will review your case immediately to determine the best defense strategy to employ in your case.
Per Florida Statute 94.011, A person 18 years of age or older who commits sexual battery upon, or in an attempt to commit sexual battery injures the sexual organs of, a person less than 12 years of age commits a capital felony, punishable by a minimum of 9 years in prison. If the victim of the alleged crime was a disabled person, the penalty can extend up to life in prison. Per Florida Statute 794.027, you have a duty to report sexual battery or you will also face serious penalties. You can be found guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree and face incarceration as part of your penalty if you failed to report the crime after observing it.
A charge of sexual battery could involve several versions of events, or conflicting reports about what actually occurred. It is crucial that you are professionally represented by a high quality legal advocate who has exceptional trial abilities. Sexual battery charges can be filed even in cases in which there is no physical evidence, and an accusation can be enough to have you arrested. False allegations are not uncommon. Good people can have their lives and reputations ruined by an accusation of sexual battery. Lewd and lascivious battery charges can be filed if the victim is underage and can be considered a second-degree felony with a potential 15 year prison sentence. Attorney Michael Mirer is a former Assistant State Attorney for Miami-Dade Count and has deep insight into every aspect of sex crime charges and what to expect from the prosecutor . It is crucial that our firm, Law Office of Michael Mirer, P.A. gets involved early if you have been arrested and charged with sexual battery.
Protecting Your Rights in Miami: Federal Sex Crime Defense Attorney
A sexual battery charge is extremely serious, and demands immediate defense action be taken on your behalf, as your future at risk. The damage to your personal and professional reputation and the future restrictions you will face if convicted must be addressed with the help of a skilled sex crime defense lawyer. Attorney Michael Mirer offers you a consultation to discuss your specific case and the charges. It is important to remember that you have the right to legal counsel, and you will need a high quality defense attorney representing you. It is crucial that you exercise your right to an attorney if you want to increase your chances of avoiding conviction and the harsh penalties that will be imposed upon you. Michael Mirer is an accomplished defense advocate who will aggressively pursue the best possible case outcome for you.
Contact a Miami sexual battery lawyer from the firm without delay.
Proven Defense Lawyer
Through relentless advocacy, our firm has earned a reputation of achieving results.
Over a Decade of Experience
Our lead attorney is a former prosecutor who has practiced law for 10+ years.
Free Consultation
Tell us about your case so that we can discuss all of your legal options with you.